Monday, August 25, 2008

Out and About

My husband and I took a couple of days of R and R. These are some photos from our trip over Trail Ridge Road to the Glenwood Springs and Aspen area.

Bloom where you're planted! These lovely wild flowers were growing in a steep rockly incline on Trail Ridge Road (Rocky Mountain National Park).

A conflagration waiting to happen! It is so sad to see all the dead pine trees near Grand Lake and Granby. The pine beetle is taking its toll on the forests of the Western Slope. One lightning stike in these dry dead trees, and its going to be a raging wild fire.

A closer shot of the dead pine trees.

Aspen trees at Maroon Bells not far from the town of Aspen. The white bark of these trees is lovely.

The rocky west ridge at Maroon Bells.

Maroon Bells and Maroon Lake. This is such a beautiful place. It has been over 25 years since we were last here. The angle of the sun wasn't great for capturing the mountain peaks in their splendor.

Another shot of Maroon Bells.

Wild daisies at Maroon Bells.

More wild flowers at Maroon Bells.

Another example of the wild flowers---this one right by the lake.

Holyhocks growing by the road on the way back into Aspen.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Quotes Anyone?

(My neighbor's hibicus.)

I enjoy good quotes---so here is a couple a ran across recently that I wanted to share. Do you have some quotes you would like to share with me?

“I long to accomplish a great and noble task,
but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks
as if they were great and noble.”
–Helen Keller

“Blessed is he who has learned
to admire but not envy,
to follow but not imitate,
to praise but not flatter,
and to lead but not manipulate.”
–William Arthur Ward

Monday, August 11, 2008

Things I've Learned

Contrary to popular opinion, I didn’t learn everything I needed to know in kindergarten. What a pity if learning stops there. I have learned that I will never be finished learning. In fact, the more I learn, the more I realize how much I don’t know. It’s important to have a teachable spirit and to embrace the wonder that begets learning. And by all means, beware of anyone who acts like they know it all.

Other things I’ve learned:

* Good relationships with family and friends are priceless.

* I can’t relive the past. There are few “do-overs.” I can only savor the good memories and heal life’s hurts and regrets—and then move forward.

* Many things I often deem to be important really aren’t.

* Gratitude helps keep life in perspective.

* Time is swift—except when I’m waiting.

* Projects always take longer to complete than anticipated.

* I shouldn’t put things off to the last minute—yet, sometimes I do because of necessity or procrastination.

* I’ll never be caught up or completely have my act together.

* I’m not in control. I am not God even though sometimes I act like he needs my help.

* I am finite. God is infinite. Some things will always be a mystery.