Thursday, July 18, 2013

Summer Sanctuary

            Summer is passing much too quickly, I muse. Desiring to enjoy summer before it slips sway, I grab my Bible, devotional book, tea, and a sweet cream, blueberry biscuit and step outside. I settle on my porch swing. I read from Sarah Young’s, Jesus Calling: “Stop worrying long enough to hear my voice.” Then she writes about “weaving webs of anxious confusion.” I needed these words today.

I look up the suggested verses in my Bible as I sip tea, nibble on my biscuit. I ask God to help me set aside the worries and concerns of the day, while allowing him to renew and transform my mind. I remember the scripture that says, “we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ (2Corinthians 10:5 NIV).

            Then I sing, “Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty! Early in the morning my songs shall rise to thee….” The little chirping finches seem to join me in praise under the cloudless blue sky as they dart in and out of the bird bath.  Tree branches gently sway. A butterfly dances by.

            I cast my cares aside for the moment and thank God for this sacred space. I promise myself to return to my swing, this summer sanctuary of sorts, many times before cold days arrive and force me inside to another sanctuary.
(c) Marlene Depler