Sunday, December 31, 2006

Prayer for the New Year

By Marlene Depler

(I wrote this last year, but it still applies for this coming year as well!)

Dear Heavenly Father,

A year of glorious days stretches out before me. I am filled with anticipation and a twinge of apprehension about the uncertain adventure ahead. Nevertheless, I am choosing to walk in faith.

As each day unfolds, may I become more and more the woman you have intended me to be. Live in me and through me. May I do your bidding.

Still my thoughts and my hands long enough to hear your voice and to find rest for my often weary soul. Meet me in the deep places of my heart. Hear my heart cries when words won’t form.

Let your love penetrate every fiber of my being. Bring hope, courage, and healing. What I receive freely from your hand, let me in turn give freely to others.

Teach me your ways. Give me an undivided heart. Reveal and transform my misconceptions and distorted perceptions with the light of truth.

May I always delight in the wonders of your creation and the little blessings of each day. And when the sun sets on the final day of the year, may I rejoice in your continued faithfulness.

(c) Marlene Depler (reprint in any form only with permission)


Kerri said...

A wonderful prayer Marlene.
Thanks for sharing it.
A Happy New Year, and may 2007 bring much happiness, good health and many blessings to you and yours.

Anonymous said...

Hi Marlene,

Such a beautiful prayer. I have much of your writings during the holiday. So much wisdom is shared. I needed to hear much of what you said.

May we have a Blessed New Year. My thoughts and prayers will also be with you.

Barbara Ann