Sunday, October 04, 2009

Beauty Abounds

These are from our recent travels: Pike Market in Seattle, Tofino and Ucluelet (Vancouver Island, B.C.), and Victoria (also Vancouver Island, B.C.) Enjoy!

Flower boxes across the street from Pike Market, Seattle.
The beginning of a visual feast!

Flowers galore (Pike Market).

Fresh veggies! (Pike Market)

Succulent fruits (Pike Market).

Crabs in rows! (Pike Market)

Huge lobster tails! (Pike Market)

Rainbow of chilli peppers! (Pike Market)

From the bay side of Tofino.

Chesterman Beach looking toward Frank Isand

The Inn from Chesterman Beach

A room with a view.

And more views!

Pacific sunset on first night.

Sunset on second night.

The Amphitrite Point Lighthouse in Ucluelet.

View from the Wild Pacific Trail in Ucluelet.

Strange roots seen on the trail.

Fishing boats on the bay side of Ucluelet.

Another shot of the fishing boats.

Abkaki Garden in Victoria.
(We saw Buchart Gardens on previous trips. We had just enough time to
check out this once private garden now open to the public.)

Another shot of the gardens.

The Empress Hotel in the harbor of Victoria.


grammy said...

Wow, absolutely beautiful. Loved the pictures. Thanks for sharing (o:

NanaNor's said...

Hello my friend, What great photos; I haven't been to this area before, except for Victoria. We almost went up to San Juan islands instead of NM-it is so beautiful and I do miss the ocean and beaches.
Blessings to you this day!

Alice said...

Wonderful photos. What a great time you must have had.

I remember how much we enjoyed the delicious fruit from the Pike Markets.

Kerri said...

It all looks wonderful. Thanks for sharing these beautiful photos.
I especially love your photos of that breathtaking sunset and the beautiful poem. How clever you are at expressing yourself!
That book looks good too. I've made a note to look it up.