Thursday, June 16, 2005

Ocean Comfort

My husband and I just returned from a few days on the coast of Oregon. We have gone to the same place for several years. Sometimes I go for rest and relaxation. Other times for inspiration or to write. This year I went in hopes that the sounds of the surf would soothe my sadess and wash away my grief.

Three of my wee grandchildren, one of my two daughters, and her husband recently left for Bosnia to do humanitarian work for three years. After having them about one mile away and seeing them several times a week, it was unbelievably hard to say good-bye. Often my heart literally hurts. I grieve for all that I will miss out on as the little ones grow and change. I miss the smiles, the laughter, and the exuberance of Brent, Rachel, and Jacob. I miss reading books and singing lullabyes. I miss eating popsicles on the porch swing and watching "Franklin" movies.

I am fortunate I still have two married children and two grandchildren nearby. I am expending my energy on them. Between that and gardening, maybe I will eventually adjust to the separation from five people that I truly love. And it is my hope and prayer that I will again return to my writing with renewed inspiration.

Here is a poem that I wrote at the Oregon Coast several years ago:

Simple Pleasures

By Marlene Depler

Tuesday morning—
leisurely day.
No schedule,
no pressure,
no stress.
I stroll the sandy shore
with my sweetheart
wearing sweatshirts.
Short steps - mine,
long strides - his.
We search for sand dollars
and shells.
I see stones washed
smooth in the surf,
and a solitary starfish.
Haze and mist surround us.
We stop for lunch at Mo's.
Seafood soup, slaw,
and, yes, something sweet—
simple pleasures.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God bless you with many blessings and showers of grace as you walk through your season of sadness. Your blogsite is beautiful and reflects a beautiful spirit.
Tanya Warrington