Friday, June 25, 2010

I'm Back!


Where has the time gone! I can't believe that it has taken me so long to post.

I am finding that I can only focus on just so many things at once. So what have I been distracted with:


  • Spring clean-up and gardening. I love to work outside!
  • Mother's Day and Father's Day celebrations
  • Oldest granddaughter graduated from 8th grade
  • Several spring concerts and middle grandson's soccer games
  • Trip to the Oregon coast
  • Youngest granddaughter's 2nd birthday
  • Teaching my second oldest granddaughter to sew
  • Garden tour with two blog friends
  • Letting grandchildren each come by themselves for some one on one time
  • Health program with a naturopath
  • Facebook. I started doing facebook so I could stay connected with nieces and nephew, but found it has consumed more time than I had anticipated.
  • Organizing my office---AGAIN!

I will try to be more consistent with posts! And I will add a few photos that might interest you.


Sunset on the Oregon coast from our room

Rainbow over the ocean

Double Delight rose in my garden

Fresh product from my garden

Mommy duck escorts her ducklings up the driveway though our back yard to the pond behind our house.


NanaNor's said...

Hi my friend, Now that I know you are on Facebook too, I'll have to find you. Love the photos and you are certainly one busy, productive and fruitful gal. So enjoyed our time together-got to plan a bbq for August with our guys.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Hugs, Noreen

Midlife Mom said...

Ohhhhh! The picture of momma duck with her babies is adorable! It reminds me of the fancy hotel in Chicago that has the ducks walk through the lobby every day!

I loved your post about the shoes. I also grew up in the days when we wore hand me downs and were lucky to have them. Of course my two older siblings were sisters so at least I didn't have to wear boys shoes, I did have to wear some things that were less then desirable though and was totally embarrassed. Most kids today don't have a clue about hand me downs do they? It's the expensive sneakers and Hanna Montana shirts that they want. Lots of the old ways were better weren't they? Great posts!

Pond Kits said...

It is meditative to come here. Thanks for the serenity and tribute to Nature and all that it encompasses. I find the way you create your posts to be one of my favorite moments of my day or week.