Tuesday, June 21, 2005

"Dirt Therapy"

It's relatively inexpensive. I don't need an appointment or pre-approval from my insurance company. Yet it's therapeutic---good for my soul and spirit. I call it dirt therapy.

While I no longer make the mud pies of my childhood, I still need to get my hands in the brown earth each summer. Give me long days and dirt along with something to plant or prune, and I can work for hours with little thought of life's disappointments and difficulties. Somehow the sunshine and the hard work distract me from what's weighing on my heart. And as I watch my tomato plants grow and purple clematis bloom, I experience the joy of joining with God in my own wee bit of "creation."

I choose the seeds, the plants, the colors. I decide where things will be planted. The color palette of the flowers is up to me. When I take to my yard on a summer morning, I am a designer---an artist of sorts.

So out the door I go! I'll water or fertilize. Plant, prune, or pull weeds! I'll literally smell the roses. As I drink in the beauty, my spirits will lift. The complexities of life will give way to gratitude.

Dirt therapy! Why not try it?


Anonymous said...

Bill and I agree this is very well written. Cute and entertaining. My only problem is that I have to dig out the dirt in my home, files, and closets before I can attack my weeds and roses. Perhaps by August I may get there.

I loved the article regarding the Rose Garden also. Hey I didn't even know what a BLOG was before your introduction. Who invented this term? Gaylene and Bill

Anonymous said...

I do dirt therapy too. In my case, at first I forget everything as I create and then I start having insights into problems and as I continue to work.
Tanya Warrington