Sunday, July 30, 2006

Letting Go!

Butterfly! Photo by Michael Jastremski

Several friends of mine are in the process of launching their children! It has reminded me of my days of trying to let go. This is a poem I wrote when my youngest daughter left the "nest." After you read the poem, you will know why I picked this photogragh.


By Marlene Depler

From the safety of the chrysalis,
you struggle to be free.
I watch your wings unfolding
in early morning light.
The color—the beauty—
as you flutter your wings,
and cautiously ponder solo flight.
You seem surprised
as they lift you into the air.
With steady gaze, I marvel
as you dance from rose to rose.
At last you catch a gentle breeze
of self-confidence, flying high
into nearby maple tree—until a gust
of uncertainty and fear casts you
to the ground below.
I gasp and hold my breath
for what seems like eternity.
I long rescue you
from life's harsh winds,
but I must not damage fragile wings.
I cannot watch, and yet I must.
When I think I can bear it no longer
your wings move up, then down,
and once more you soar into the sky.
Fly—fly high little butterfly! Feel my prayers beneath your wings!

(c) Marlene Depler

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Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Blonde Moment or Senior Moment?

I decided to make a tablecloth for my kitchen table, so I measured the length of the table and added a few inches to hang over the ends. Seven feet---that's what I would need. Then I headed over to the fabric store and found this wonderful toile fabric. I promptly took the bolt to the clerk and told her I needed seven yards.

After she had made the cut, it dawned on me that seven yards was a whole lot more than seven feet! Yikes! What had I done! I paid for the fabric and left the store with twenty-one feet of fabric. Fortunately, the fabric was marked down and then was on sale for 40% of the mark-down price.

So now I can make three table cloths. Or maybe I should make chair cushions and an apron. If you see me, who knows, I may have on capri pants and a shirt out of this fabric!!! (Just kidding!!!) Maybe you would like for me to make something for you.

On days like this, I don't know whether I am having a blonde moment or a senior moment. Maybe it's both!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy Fourth of July

Today is Independence Day. We are celebrating the Declaration of Independence and the founding of the United States of America. Flags and fireworks will abound all over this country today. Some towns and cities will have parades. Many will gather with family and friends for a picnic or a cookout. And most will wear clothing in either red, white, or blue. For me it will be a red shirt and white capris.

While I put out the flag and don my patriotic colors, I want to reflect of the freedoms that I hold dear. Often I take most of my freedoms for granted, but today I want to think about the high price paid in the past by others for the freedoms I enjoy today. Freedom is a glorious gift. Let us be grateful and thank God. (Yes, for many of us, in God we still trust!!!!)

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Summer---and Lovin' It!

I’m a gardener, so of course, I like summer. Today I thought I would share the things I enjoy about summer:

Long hours of daylight—it lifts my spirits
Blue sky
Green lawns and shade trees
Gentle breezes
Every brightly blooming thing!! Pots, hanging baskets, flower beds, shrubs.
Eating outside—picnics, BBQs, and patio dining
Long walks in the morning or evening
Iced tea and lemonade
Popsicles and ice cream
Farmer’s markets with all the wonderful fresh produce
Porch swings and porches
Light weight clothing (No coats, bulky sweaters, etc.)
Mountain drives
Finches and robins in my bird baths
Air conditioning and fans
Cacophonic bird symphonies
Chatting with neighbors
Children playing outside

Note: the photos above are of my daylilies and wild columbines in the Colorado mountains.